The room glowed green in rhythm with the flashing neon of Gerry’s Irish bar across the road and two stories down. Frank Daley, fully dressed and lying on his back on the cheap bed, put a period on the light show with the red tip of his Chesterfield.
The sounds and smells of the Brooklyn neighborhood floated through the open window, Antonio’s Pizza Pies blending with the odors of cigarettes, sweat, and sex that filled the fleabag he had rented for the month. It’d have to do. He’d lose his security deposit anyway, once he robbed the joint downstairs.
The hooker beside him stunk of cheap whiskey, her snores a discord of nasal wheezes that drowned out conversations of the restaurant patrons below as they came and went to an irritating bell jangling above the door. He leaned over and pinched her nose until she opened her mouth to breathe. What came out overwhelmed all other aromas, pleasant or otherwise.
She was naked except for a pair of black lace panties and a gold strapless sandal on her left foot, the heel worn on one side. He had noticed it earlier on their walk up the staircase. There was no significance to the worn heel, but it represented something he knew that no one else did. It was one of his better qualities, a keen sense of observation. It had kept him alive and out of jail since the war.
Her breasts rose and fell with her breathing, the air once again escaping through clogged nostrils. Between the bell over Antonio’s door and her nose music, it sounded like a bad Salvation Army band.
What if you had an app on your smartphone that showed you the date and time of death of anyone photographed by you? Find out about it in my latest short fiction, "Dead App" published in the latest edition of Raven magazine. Issue 4, page 12.
My short story, "The Culmination of Their Journey" won second place in the Sea Island Spirit Short Story contest. It was published in the Lowcountry Weekly Magazine in South Carolina. Click on the story above to read it.
Thanks to the Pen Women of Cape Canaveral for listening to my presentation on the Making and Marketing of the Short Story. Also, thank you for the wonderful lunch.
My short story, The Last Wave, is a semi-finalist in the Writer Magazine's 2020 Fall Short Story Contest. (It ended up in the top 5)
Check out for free the first three episodes of my Kindle Vella Western Novella. Pronghorn Mesa Vengeance
My short story, "Back to Alcatraz" was longlisted in the Margery Allingham Short Story Competition.
My manuscript "She Went Missing" is a finalist in the Ohio Writers Great Novel Contest 2020. Great Novel Contest 2020.
I recently sold my story, "The Case of the Burnt Wires" to Mystery Weekly Magazine. Available now on Amazon.
I'll be giving a presentation on my book, NISEI, February 17th at 1pm at One Senior Place in Viera, Florida.
My short story "Of Life and Death and Life" won the Novus Annos Short Story Award and will be adapted into a short film
My short story "Invisible," took second place in the 2018 Larry Brown Short Story Award competition.
I'll have my books set up at The Dirty Oar Brewing Company in Cocoa Village (see map) from 2 to 4 pm on Saturday, October 6th. Come in and buy a book and I'll buy you a beer.
Loiacono Literary takes on my new novel, A Promise To Lena
My interview on Many Books
I'll be at the Meet The Author bookfair in the Eau Gallie Civic Center, Nov 19 and 20.
My interview with Donna Seebo of Warriors For Peace. Select 636-2 and click on box
My guest post on writing about other cultures :
Also, please vist Jackie Minniti's Fabulous Florida Writers blog to read my Nisei guest post.
Please vist S J Francis Writer's Blog to read my guest post
I will be discussing my book, NISEI in the Jane Von Thron room at the Cocoa Beach Library, Wednesday, July, 20 at 6 pm.
Read my guest post about Engineers and Creative Writing on Cecile Sune's Book Obsessed site:
My psychological thriller, Prodigious Savant,has been reduced in a Kindle Promotion from $3.99 to 99 cents.
You can order my new novel, Deviant Acts, on Amazon.
My interview on S.J >Francis' blog :
My interview on Authors Talk About It:
My guest post on Marilyn's Musings: Five Common Mistakes made by New Writers:
My short story: "Lucky bastard Club" was included in the The Best Short Stories from The Saturday Evening Post Great American Fiction Contest 2016 -
My recent interview on Carolyn Johnson's New Book Review:
My recent interview on Crime Fiction.FM:
A guest post I wrote for BookBrowsing: Is The First Page All That Important When Deciding Which Book To Buy?
My short story, "The Lucky Bastard Club," is a finalist in the Saturday Evening Post Great American Fiction Contest.
The Penitent was shortlisted in the Words with Jam competition.
A nice article about Pam and me in the Viera Voice.
I will be giving a presentation on "Story versus Style" at the Cocoa Beach Library on Wednesday, May 13 at 2 pm. Ya'll come. All proceeds from sales of my book, Prodigious Savant, go to the "Friends of the Library."
Check out an article about me in the Island Reporter Page 6
Listen to my interview on the Red River Radio-No Limits show with questions from Barbara Hodges about me and my novel, Prodigious Savant. My interview is in the last half hour.
Prodigious Savant is now available on Amazon Kindle.
Prodigious Savant, Deviant Acts , and Nisei have been acquired by Black Opal Books.
My story,"The Adventures of The Nine Hole League" was published in Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine #13
Deviant Acts has been selected as a finalist in the CWA Debut Dagger competition.
Nisei has been selected as the Grand Prize Winner in the Columbus Creative Cooperative novel competition.
M.E. Browning's new website--Writer of Wrongs
Wonderful poetry blog by Nilanjana Bose--Madly-In-Verse